This site provides a multitude of information on the care and keeping of dairy goats, with an emphasis on a natural and humane approach. These pages contain information on all aspects of goat raising and goat care including: health & husbandry, feeding, medications, wormers & worming, natural, herbal & holistic health care, breeding, kidding, milking, behavior, how-to instructions, free downloads, and much more.
This web site is intended to aid the reader in the care and keeping of dairy goats. In my methods, I emphasize natural & holistic health care and treat our animals with the love, dignity and the respect they deserve.
This site is dedicated to all those who want to learn how to raise your goats in a loving and humane manner. This is my gift of "metta" (loving kindness, compassion and friendship) to you
The information presented here reflects the way I do things . There are as many ways to raise goats as there are people who own goats. It is helpful to know how others do things, and with this knowledge you can then develop your own way of raising goats that works best for you and your own situation.
In loving memory of Goldie, matriarch of our herd, wonderful friend, and the most extraordinary animal I will ever have the honor to have known.
Tribute Essay: Goldie- Queen of Goats
Goat Care Information, Health & Husbandry
and Assorted Other Tibits
Getting Your Goat |
- If
you are considering about getting a goat, please read this
- Also see:
Goat Stories & Other Essays
by Molly |
Goat Short Stories & Eassays:
Other Essays:
Goat Health Information |
- Temperature = 102.5 - 104 - This varies depending on the temperature of the goat's surroundings.
- Pulse rate = 70 - 80 beats per minute
- Respiration =15 to 30 per minute
- Rumen (stomach) movements = 1 - 1.5 per minute
- Puberty =
7 weeks - 8 months (separate bucks from does at 2 month)
- Estrus/Heat Cycle = 17 to 23 days
- Gestation = 143 to 155 days
- Life span:
- Does = 11-12 years average age, but...
the death in does is kidding related. Does that
are "retired" from
breeding around
age 10 live longer: 16-18 years (and I just recently
found a doe who was 24; she was retired from kidding
at age 10).
- Wethers = 11-16 years average age
- Bucks = 8-10 average age - bucks usually live shorter
lives than does and wethers due to the stresses of going
into rut each year.
- Full growth size: Most goats
do not reach their full size until they are about three years
of age. (They keep growing for about three years)
Information & Care
Kids (young goats)
Does (females)
Bucks (intact males)
Wethers (neutered males)
see individual sections listed below |
- Age-
How to estimate a goat's age by looking at their teeth
- Behavior,
Characteristics &
- Kids
- Bottle raised kids
- Poops
- Hiding & Getting Lost
- Chewing
- Climbing
- Sneezing
- Head Butting & Head Pushing
- Adults - Both male & female
- Violence & Dominance
- How can I tell if my goat is fat?
- Sneezing
- Getting goats to move; do not push
- Petting goats
- Infertility, Gender Confusion, and "Gay Goats"
- Adult females & neutered males
- Fighting
- Dominance
- Heat
- Tongue flapping
- Leg pawing
- Blubbering
- Squatting & Back Arching
- Mother goats
- Adult males
- Courting/Mating
- Tongue flapping
- Leg pawing
- Blubbering
- Smell
- Urinating
- Aggression
- Other habits
- Breeds
of goats- The most common breeds found in the US.
- Breeding : Female Goats
- Breeding : Male Goats
- Breeding / Kidding Record Spreadsheet & Calculator
- Build your own Goat Stand Free download instructions
- Diseases & Health Issues (see below)
- Drenching & Dosing-
Giving medications and herbs orally
- Edible
and Poisonous Plants Listing
- Fat
or overweight?- How can you tell if your goat is fat?
- Fecal
- Feeding & Supplements -
What we feed and how we feed it.
- Fencing-
The types of fencing I use:
- Electric
- What
kind of wire?
- What
kind of fence charger?
- Grounding
- Safety
- Putting
up the fence
- Fencing for Bucks - Woven wire
+ electric
- Fencing for
- Photo examples of how we put up our fence
- Fighting
- Friendly
kids- If you've been told you must bottle raise to get
friendly kids, this is not necessarily true. We do not bottle raise
and our goats couldn't be more friendly and loving. Here's how we
do it.
- Getting
Your Goat- Recommendations on choosing which goat that
is right for you.
- Giving
medications and herbs orally- Dosing & Drenching
- Goat Stand - Build your own
- Goats
as Pets- Does and wethers make excellent pets. Bucks
do not.
- Goats
vs. Cows- Why I prefer goats as family milkers.
- Goat
heath herbal starter kits
- Health
Care, Vaccination & Worming Schedule-
This is the schedule that we follow.
- Hobble /
Restraint- this goat hobble is the Milk Maid's life saver when it comes to kicky milkers.
- Hoof
Trimming- 4
pages containing 17 photos detailing hoof trimming. Since these pages
are photo intense, please be patient while they load.
- Housing - Tour our barn
- Horns-
Why you do not want your goat to have horns.
- Inbreeding & Line-breeding
- Infertility, Gender Confusion, and "Gay Goats"
- Life Expectancy
- Medical
Cabinet Supplies- This
page contains the supplies that I make sure to always have on hand.
- Medications
(Modern) - A large listing of medications and the
correct dosages used for goats.
- Medications
(Natural)- herbs,
homeopathic remedies and natural alternatives.
- Milk & milking information- scroll down to Milk & Milking
- Mineral
- Nanny / Nannies - This is an old term referring
to a female goat. We do not use this term any longer. It is more
respectful to refer to female goats as "doe / does".
- My
first goat - a lesson in what now to get
- Paper
vs. No Papers - One Breed vs. Mixed Breeds
- Pets-
Information about getting goats as pets.
- Questions & Answers
- Poisonous and Edible
Plants Listing
- Registered
vs. Non-Registered -
should you get registered/papered goats?
- Selling
Goats- Things to think about and how I sell my own goats.
- Supplies- This page contains the general goat supplies that I make sure to
always have on hand.
- Sex/Gender: How to tell the sexual gender young goat.
- Taming
a Wild Goat
- Tattooing-
How to tattoo a
goat in the tail.
- Teeth
- Terms - Definitions of goat related terms
- Vaccination,
Worming & Health Care Schedule- This
is the schedule that I follow.
- Wattles- What are those fleshy, furry, hangy down things that some goats have on their necks? They are called wattles. Wattles are merely "goat jewelry". Some goats have them, some do not. They serve no real purpose but adornment.
- Worms & Wormers- You
have to worm your goats. Here is the info you need to know.
- Weight
Chart- Estimate your dairy goats weight by using a measuring
Care & Health issues
DOES (adult females)
KIDDING (having babies)
Does should NEVER be housed with bucks. If you "run"
does and bucks together, you will never know when to expect kids, you
won't be able to prepare for the kids, and you will risk loosing them. |
Care & Health issues
goats) |
Care & Health issues
BUCKS (intact males)
WETHERS (neutered males)
Bucks DO NOT make good pets. You DO NOT want a buck for a pet. Please
read this page to find out why.
Wethers make excellent pets. |
Milk, Milking and Udder related |
- Blood in Milk
- Butter
from goat milk?
- Dairying
and cheesemaking- Info on goat milk, articles on milk handling
and cheesemaking, recipes.
- Drying
off- How to dry off your doe (stop her from making milk)
- Goat
Milk- Nutritional breakdown
- Hobble /
Restraint - this goat hobble is the Milk Maid's life saver when it comes to kicky milkers.
- How to Milk a Goat - Step by step instructions
- Milking: The Procedure, Sanitation & Equipment- A
walk through of the entire milking procedure, what basic equipment
you need and how to sanitize it.
- Milk information:
- Milk- Comparing
Human, Cow, Goat & Infant Nutritional needs -
- Milk- Nutritional breakdown- Nutritional breakdown of Goat Milk and it's comparison to Cow Milk and Human Milk, with reference to look up particular infant formulas.
- Milk Sack - The proper term is "udder" not "milk
- Milk Stand - Build your own. Free instruction download
- Milk Storage & Freezing
- Milk
record keeping Keeping records of how much milk your doe produces.
- Milk & Milking related-
General information; how-to. Questions & Answers
- Milking, Miking Once a Day, and Taking Time Off from Milking
- Milking
once a day-I only milk once a day, here's how I do it.
- The
Milking Cycle- Milk yield information
- Taste- Properly handled goat milk is sweet, delicious and wonderful, tasting just like whole milk from the grocery store (if not better). It should not be bitter, bad tasting or "bucky". If your goat's milk is "off" there must be a reason. Here are reasons the goat's milk may not be tasting correct.
- Teat
Dip- This homemade dip is just as good, if not better than "store-bought".
- Udder Information and Q&A - Also see Milk & Milking Page
- Udder
wash- Recipe for homemade udder wash.
Diseases and Health Issues |
Care, Vaccination & Worming Schedule-
This is the schedule that I follow.
All See:
Medications: |
Medications (Modern/Traditional) - Main Page |
Natural Health,
Healing & Alternative Medicines |
Health, Healing & Alternative Medicines & Herbals - Main Page |

is my other web site providing information on natural practices and
the use of herbs, herbal formulas & natural supplements used in
the holistic care of your dogs, cats, goats, horses, other pets &
These are my personal herbal formulas and treatments that I have developed to use as part
of the holistic natural care I give my own animals. Sales from the Molly's Herbals site help support the Fias Co Farm web site.
Photo Galleries

Free Downloads |
Build Your Own Milk Stand / Goat Stand
The first thing you need when you start to keep goats is a good milk stand / goat stand.
Breeding / Kidding Record Spreadsheet & Calculator
This is an Excel based Spreadsheet / Template that we have created for you to use to keep track of your herd breeding a |

Sweater Pattern |
You can knit your own goatbaby sweaters. Included here are patterns for a knitting machine, hand knitting and crocheting. |
Miscellaneous Information |
Terms |
of goat related terms |
Videos |
A goat giving birth |