Margie as a kid
with Larry as an adult
Margie is smart as a whip, which is good because she certainly
did not have conformation (a show quality body) going for her.
She grew up on the "mean streets". Her father was an "unknown",
we rescued Belle (Margie's mother) and Lucy (Belle's half sister) when they were
pregnant. Their feet were in horrible shape and we were shocked
when the owner would grab them by their ears and drag them around. The
owner (notice I don't call him a "breeder") just let his, who knows
what kind of, buck run with his herd. Because of this he really
had no idea when the does were bred and when they would have their
kids. Poor Belle and Lucy, both Purebred Nubians, were now
beings treated like scrubs. We had to get them out of there.
We brought them home and nursed them to health and one month later
they surprised us and both gave birth to triplets within 24 hours of
each other. Belle had one boy and two girls, but one of the girls
had a leg problem. It bent backwards and she had trouble standing.
Belle decided she had two healthy babies and wanted nothing to do with
the "sickly" one. She would not nurse little "Margie" (named after my grandmother) so we decided to bottle
raise her.
oh my, did Belle have a lovely udder. And so did Lucy. Weren't we lucky.
Larry did physical therapy on Margie and her leg got better in a few days; she has never had
a problem with it since. (Now we know that Bo-Se shots 5 weeks and
2 weeks before birth can prevent this problem). We registered Margie 50% Grade Nubian, since we did know her mother but did
not know her father. Belle never really liked Margie. So Margie grew up with no mother (but us). To this day she
still carries a scar on her ear where Belle picked her up by it.
"When's your flight, Margie?"
And don't point that thing at me!
As Margie grew she really didn't look like Belle at all. Her
conformation was nothing like her "show quality" mother, but we loved
her just the same. We bred her when she was ready and 5 months
later she gave birth to a buck and a doe. We had high hopes for Margie, but as her udder filled out, our hopes sank (as did her
udder). She had no "attachments" (what holds the udder
onto to the body) and, though, quite large, her udder left a lot to
be desired. It hung very low, not up close to the body the way
her mother's did. But we loved Margie anyway and she was wonderful in the milkstand so we kept her as a supplier of milk for my cheesemaking.
Interestingly enough, Margie's half sister, Snow Pea (same unknown father) had an even
worse udder than Margie (hard to believe). The moral of this is, no matter
how good the mother, if you breed to a bad father you will pay for
it for years and years to come. As a side note, when we bred
Belle to a very good buck, we got beautiful does, with lovely "show
quality" udders. Margie's daughter was an improvement on her but it will still take
a few more years of careful breeding to get rid of those bad udder
attachment genes.
back to my story...
Margie's second year of being bred we (I think we went insane here)
decided to breed her to a Kinder buck (A miniature breed made by crossing
Nubians and Pygmies). We leased an 8 months old buck and kept
him here (he was soooo cute).
Spanky- This is a buck?
When Margie went into heat we put her in with "Spanky". She was not happy about that at all! And
though she was in raging heat (believe me, I know) she would have nothing
to do with little Spanky. I held her by some cider blocks (so Spanky could reach) and he managed to do his deed. We always
like to see three "good ones" but no matter how hard we tried and how
tightly we held (Larry and I together) Margie would not let Spanky breed her again.
Now, believe me when I say she was in raging heat and when we let
her out, Smily, our Sanaan wether, rode her around for the rest of the day. She liked Smily and wanted to be bred, but she just did not want to be
bred by that "little guy".
as a kid
The next day Margie's daughter Sabrina went into heat and we were going to breed
her to Spanky (remember, I plead insanity on this). Sabrina was
a virgin but very up for the idea. We put her in with Spanky and he started courting her. She was warming up to the
idea quite well. Well, before anything could happen, Margie walked over to the stall to see what was going on. She
saw her daughter in with Spanky and then said something in goat. Not just "maaa", but a whole goat sentence, and the moment she said whatever
she said to Sabrina, Sabrina would have nothing to do with Spanky. She turned on him and slammed him and after awhile
we decided we'd better get her out of there before she killed him.

& Dash
Margie & Spanky's sons
We never did get Sabrina bred that year and later were very, very
glad we did not breed her to Spanky because we decide it was much wiser for us to "breed-up",
using does and high quality bucks of the same breed. Margie ended up having two little boys whom we wethered (neutered). Margie and the wethers (the cutest guys you've ever seen) went
to live at a new home, as much loved pets.
moral here is that the doe does have a mind of her own mind and may
not always like the "boyfriend" you picked out for her.