antibacterial, astringent, analgesic, antispasmodic, anticonvulsive,
antimicrobial, carminative, deodorant, diuretic, parasiticidal,
relaxing, vulnerary, tonic.
used for: abscess, acne, allergies, alopecia,
asthma, arthritis, athletes foot, bites including insects, boils,
burns, colds, colic, coughs, cystitis , earache, nausea, respiratory
infections, rheumatism, sunburn, sun stroke, useful for eczema
and dermatitis. May be useful for the immuneand lymphatic system,
it is a natural sedative and can be useful in labor. Could be
effective for physiological symptoms anxiety, mood swings, fear,
being extroverted or even introverted even paranoia.
Often used
for the treatment stress and depression. Lavender has a calming
and mood lifting effect. Lavender essential oil may work to calm
a nervous or excited animal. In depressed or aggressive animals,
lavender can be used to lift spirits and adjust attitudes. For
these applications, the oil is used in aromatherapy. An open bottle
of the oil can be waved under the animal's nostrils, or a few
drops are put on a piece of cardboard that is placed near the
animal's bedding, under a car seat, or on the outside of a travel
carrier. The sweet aroma helps the animal (as Ill as his human
guardian) to relax during an otherwise stressful experience.
If a goat
(or any livestock) is being kept in a stall due to illness, place
4 drops of oil in three different places in the goat's stall three
times a day. This helps with the depression of being sick and
helps eliminate some of the stress. If the goat is not being kept
in a stall, place two drops of oil on their muzzle, above their
A few drops of the essential oil could be added to some water
and placed in a vaporizer (or a potpourri simmering pot) and
used to treat coughs and respiratory infections. When emitted
near the animal in a closed room, the vapor aids in opening
respiratory passages and inhibiting bacterial reproduction
in the lungs.
Cautions & Comments: For
external use only. The volatile oils contained in lavender can
be very hard on the liver and kidneys of animals, so internal
use of this herb is best avoided. Under no circumstances should
the highly concentrated essential oil be ingested. The oil should
not be used on the skin in undiluted form because it may cause
irritation. Avoid using essential oils
on cats. Click here for more info.
you wish to purchase some Lavender Oil, click here |