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Teeth, Life Expectancy &
How to estimate a goat's age

Goat Teeth:

Goats have no upper front teeth; their upper front mouth is one big gum

Goats do have lower front teeth.

In the back on their mouth they do have both upper and lower teeth. These molars are very strong.

Goats are born with teeth. They do start out with baby teeth and will loose these as their adult teeth come in.



Average Goat Life span:

Does = 11-12 years average age, but... usually the death in does is kidding related.  Does that are "retired" from breeding around age 10 live longer... up to 16-18 years. I just recently found a doe who was 24; she was retired from kidding at age 10.

Wethers = 11-16 years average age

Bucks = 8-10 average age - bucks usually live shorter lives than does and wethers due to the stresses of going into rut each year; this really takes a lot our of them.


Most goats do not reach their full size until they are about three years of age. (They keep growing for about three years)


You can estimate a goat's age by looking at their 8 lower front teeth. Goats have no upper front teeth (unlike our logo), they have just one big gum on top in the front. This is not an exact way to tell their age. Various factors such as diet and health care will influence the growth of teeth. Also, be aware that every goat is different. One goat's teeth may grow, fall out, and/or show wear, at slightly different ages than the teeth of another goat.


goat teeth


First year
All teeth are small and sharp.

goat teeth


Second year
The goat looses the two middle front teeth when he is around 12 months old, and they are replaced by larger, permanent teeth.

goat teeth


Third year
The teeth next to the middle pair are replaced by permanent teeth when the goat is about 24 months old.

goat teeth


Fourth year
The goat now has six permanent teeth, with only one pair of kid teeth remaining.

goat teeth


Fifth year
The set of 8 front teeth is complete.



Over five years old
The age of the goat beyond 5 years must be roughly estimated by the amount of wear on the teeth. This rate is variable; diet and health care have a large effect on this. Goats on rough, coarse diets and rough pasture will grind their teeth away faster than a goat on a softer diet or better quality ration.

The teeth will spread, loosen and finally drop out as the goat ages.

Note: the only goat we have had loose a tooth to old age was 9 at the time.  We have also had goats be older and not loose any teeth.


Fias Co Farm Web Site: Designed, written and maintained by Molly Nolte

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All graphics, photos and text on these pages were created by, and are the sole property of, Molly Nolte.

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The information on this web site is provided as an examples of how we do things here at Fias Co Farm. It is supplied for general reference and educational purposes only. This information does not represent the management practices or thinking of other goat breeders and/or the veterinary community. We are not veterinarians or doctors, and the information on this site is not intended to replace professional veterinary and/or medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your vet and/or doctor. We present the information and products on this site without guarantees, and we disclaim all liability in connection with the use of this information and/or products. The extra-label use of any medicine in a food producing animal is illegal without a prescription from a veterinarian.

The statements presented on this site regarding the use of herbs, herbal supplements and formulas have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The use of herbs for the prevention or cure of disease has not been approved by the FDA or USDA. We therefore make no claims to this effect. We do not claim to diagnose or cure any disease. The products referred to and/or offered on this web site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information provided here is for educational purposes only. This does not constitute medical or professional advice. The information provided about herbs and the products on this site is not intended to promote any direct or implied health claims. Any person making the decision to act upon this information is responsible for investigating and understanding the effects of their own actions.